Tootega Kayaks at Triocean Surf | Single and Double Kayaks
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Here at Triocean Surf we stock a wide range of Tootega Kayaks to cater for everyone. We sell Tootega exclusively because they design, develop and manufacture some of the most lightweight and durable kayaks on the market right here in the UK from their custom built facility. And, as a huge added bonus, the majority of the Tootega range boast a lifetime warranty.

If you’re unsure about which kayak is right for you, please give us a call or send an email using the details below, or check out our rundown of the range HERE.

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What our customers say

Just excellent, accurate and helpful service. I think I am their first Starboard drysuit customer, which came along with a Red 13.2 Explorer, I’m a Super happy bloke. Thanks team

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